Retirement Planning
Most of us want to set money aside for the future to accrue the biggest, most secure fund for retirement. David Williams IFA has the expert market knowledge, experience and resources to give you lifelong guidance in developing a retirement income strategy.
At the start of the retirement journey, we can help you build up a fund: how much should you save and where? Our advice will help you balance the considerable tax advantages of saving through pensions against the flexibility of other options, such as Isas and investment property. We view the whole picture, including State pensions and any historic pensions from previous employment.
We specialise in helping business owners with the optimum strategy to fund their own retirement, while advising on cost-effective ways to provide employee pensions.
In the run up to retirement we will increase the frequency of reviews. We can suggest strategies to access your wealth in stages, helping those who want a gradual transition between full time work and full time retirement.
At retirement we provide the essential guidance on how to invest any tax-free lump sums and how to make maximum use of your funds. We can help you secure a guaranteed pension for life or to invest funds to provide a flexible and potentially growing income over the years. We can also help ensure that funds retain an inheritable value for your family.
Risk warning: Your investment may fall as well as rise, you may not get back what you put in.